# Transitions

Smooth animations help make a UI feel great. Using Vue’s transition system and re-usable functional components, you can easily control the motion of your application. Most components can have their transition altered through the transition prop.

# Usage

Vuetify comes with over 10 custom css animations that can be applied to numerous components or your own custom use-case


# Examples

# Props

# Custom Origin

Programmatically control the transition origin with a simple prop.

# Misc

# Expand x

The expand transition is used in Expansion Panels and List Groups. There is also a horizontal version available with v-expand-x-transition.

# Fab

An example of the fab transition can be found in the v-speed-dial component.

# Fade

An example of the fade transition can be found on the Carousel component.

# Scale

Many of Vuetify’s components contain a transition prop which allows you to specify your own.

# Scroll x

Scroll X transitions continue along the horizontal axis.

# Scroll y

Scroll Y transitions continue along the vertical axis.

# Slide x

Slide x transitions move along the horizontal axis.

# Slide y

Animations use the application’s $primary-transition.

# Todo list

Using multiple custom transitions, it is easy to bring a simple todo list to life!

# Create your own

You can use Vuetify’s transition helper function to easily create your own custom transitions. This function will return an object that you can import into Vue. Using Vue’s functional component option will make sure your transition is as efficient as possible. Simply import the function:

import { createSimpleTransition } from 'vuetify/lib/components/transitions/createTransition'

const myTransition = createSimpleTransition('my-transition')

Vue.component('my-transition', myTransition)

The createSimpleTransition function accepts 1 argument, name. This will be the name that you can hook into with your style. This is an example of what v-fade-transition looks like:

    position: absolute

  &-enter-active, &-leave, &-leave-to
    transition: $primary-transition

  &-enter, &-leave-to
    opacity: 0

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Last updated:07/07/2020, 8:19:45 AM