# Progress linear

The v-progress-linear component is used to convey data visually to users. They can also represent an indeterminate amount, such as loading or processing.

# Usage

In its simplest form, v-progress-linear displays a horizontal progress bar. Use the value prop to control the progress.


# Examples

# Props

# Buffer value

A buffer state represents two values simultaneously. The primary value is controlled by v-model, whereas the buffer is controlled by the buffer-value prop.

# Colors

You can also set the color using the props color and background-color.

# Indeterminate

Using the indeterminate prop, v-progress-linear continuously animates.

# Reversed

Displays reversed progress (right to left in LTR mode and left to right in RTL).

# Rounded

The rounded prop is an alternative style that adds a border radius to the v-progress-linear component.

# Stream

The stream property works with buffer-value to convey to the user that there is some action taking place. You can use any combination of buffer-value and value to achieve your design.

# Striped

This applies a striped background over the value portion of the v-progress-linear.

# Query

The query props value is controlled by the truthiness of indeterminate, while the query prop set to true.

# Slots

# Default

The v-progress-linear component will be responsive to user input when using v-model. You can use the default slot or bind a local model to display inside of the progress. If you are looking for advanced features on a linear type component, check out v-slider.

# Misc

# Determinate

The progress linear component can have a determinate state modified by v-model.

# File loader

The v-progress-linear component is good for translating to the user that they are waiting for a response.

# Toolbar loader

Using the absolute prop we are able to position the v-progress-linear component at the bottom of the v-toolbar. We also use the active prop which allows us to control the visibility of the progress.

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Last updated:07/06/2020, 8:13:26 AM